Tactile Hallucinations on Artificial Skin through Homeostasis in a Deep Boltzmann Machine

Tactile Hallucinations on Artificial Skin through Homeostasis in a Deep Boltzmann Machine

- 1 min


In this course project, Yagmur Yener and I investigated the potential how tactile hallucinations can emerge through homeostasis. For this, we use artificial skin from the Institute for Cognitive Systems at TUM and leverage previous work on the Charles Bonnet Syndrome (Series, Reichert, and Storkey, NIPS, 2010)


We are currently working towards a publication of this work and will disclose the results then.


Thanks a lot to our supervisors for this project: Dr Pablo Lanillos, Florian Bergner, and Prof Gordon Cheng.

Michael Deistler

Michael Deistler

PhD Student in Machine Learning

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